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10 tip til spørgsmål til dine konsortiepartnere om impact

Ansøgninger til projekttyperne RIA, IA og CSA i Horizon Europe indeholder et impact-afsnit. Det er afgørende, at afsnittet fremstår klart, skarpt og overbevisende. Derfor kan du få brug for input fra dine konsortiepartnere, når du skriver om impact.

Husk, at jeres projekts impact bør beskrives kvantitativt og konkret og tage udgangspunkt i en fælles forståelse af projektets idé.

Find her tip til 10 spørgsmål til dine konsortiepartnere, der kan være en hjælp til at sikre det gode impact-afsnit.

Impact questionnaire for consortium partners

  1. Does your company/organisation have a short-, medium-, and/or long-term development/investment/business plan relevant to the objectives of PROJECT?
  2. How will the results from PROJECT help your company/organisation to achieve the objectives of your plan?
  3. How much effort (an estimation of person months/monetary cost/other resources needed) will go into exploiting/using the relevant results after PROJECT?
  4. Can the results of PROJECT help your company/organisation to meet specific customer/stakeholder requirements?
  5. Can the results from PROJECT help your company/organisation to meet any specific EU standards or regulatory requirements?
  6. Which key obstacles/barriers/framework conditions will prevent your company/organisation from exploiting or using the anticipated results from PROJECT?
  7. Which activities can mitigate this risk? How?
  8. Can results from PROJECT contribute to improved safety, security, environmental sustainability, reduced work hazards or other benefits in your company/organisation?
  9. How do you intend to disseminate the results of PROJECT to your peers?
  10. How do you intend to communicate the objectives and results of PROJECT to a broader audience, i.e. politicians, customers and potential customers, any other stakeholders and the general public?


Christian Holstein
Tlf.: +45 72 31 82 66
Email: cho@ufm.dk
Barbara Spano
Tlf.: +45 72 31 95 15
Email: bsp@ufm.dk

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Senest opdateret 23. juni 2024