Q) Can partners from other countries outside the EU and EEA participate other than the countries listed in the call?
A) Partners from all countries oustide of the EU and EEA are covered by the call. However, in case of two equally rated applications, the application with partners from the listed countries can be prioritised to the application with partners from other countries.
Q) Can we apply for a network with partners from several countries?
A) Yes, you can apply for a network with partners from several countries in one application.
Q) Is Innovation Centre Denmark considered a Danish or a foreign partner?
A) The Innovation Centres cannot be a partner institution - neither Danish nor international. They can be considered external consultants whose services can be purchased as support activities. Please note that the costs for these activities must not exceed 25 % of the total grant.
Q) How come Switzerland and the UK can be eligible countries within the GINP?
A) Switzerland and the UK are not EU or EEA members.
Q) Can individuals apply?
A) Individuals cannot apply within the frame of the Global Innovation Network Programme. However, long and short term stays for individuals are possible as supplementary activities within the planned network activities and if part of the application.
Q) To which extent can companies participate in GINP-funded events?
A) Companies are welcome to participate as partners in GINP-funded activities. However, if they are not a partner in the application, they do not have access to the funds from the project.
Q) To which extent can companies be reimbursed for travel costs, etc.?
A) If companies are partners in the application, they have acces to the grant and can thus be reimbursed for travel costs etc. Yet, please note that existing rules and regulations will have to be respected (please see the regulations under de minimis)
Q) Can direct salary be covered by the grant from the Global Innovation Network Programme?
A) A grant through the Global Innovation Network Programme cannot be used to cover direct salary costs. A fixed percentage will be granted for overheads, defined as follows:
"Overhead is the indirect and common costs in the overall organisation of the grant beneficiary associated with carrying out the activity. Overheads typically include salary costs for general management and support functions as well as common operating costs for e.g. rent and IT, see e.g. the Danish Financial Services Authority's guide "Regelgrundlag for generelle fælles omkostninger/Rule base for general overheads".
The overhead rate is stated in the budget specifications.
Hours used on the project can figure as in-kind contributions and thus count as co-financing/self-financing contribution in the budget.
Q) Can the amount for overhead be converted to cover e.g. travel expenses?
A) No. The amount for overhead cannot be converted to cover e.g. travel expenses. In the agency's "Terms and Conditions for Grants" you will find a definition of "overhead".
Q) Can ’support costs’ cover salary costs?
A) Support activities can only cover costs related to external support. This could for example include payment for consultancy services and costs of dissemination activities (e.g. reports, dissemination event or other) of the networking activities in the activity plan. It is, for instance, possible to pay for particular services provided by external consultants or ICDK. Support activities cannot cover salary costs.
Q) Is it possible to use unspent funding on other/new activities?
A) Any unused funding must be returned to the Danish Agency for Higher Eduation and Science.
Q) How can we calculate hours spent on the project as part of the overhead?
A) Hours should be calculated as the corresponding percentage of the real costs.
Q) Is there a limit to number of traveling days?
A) Yes. the total number of traveling days funded by this grant is 90 days. So if more people are traveling they will have to divide the 90 days between them.
The total of 90 days also applies to long-term stays.
Q) How do I calculate the number of traveling days?
A) If you only apply for funding for transport (flight tickets, local transport etc.), you need not count these trips as traveldays.
However, if you apply for funding to cover expenses for accomodation/hotel and/or per diem you will have to follow the rules in Circular of Mission Agreement (Cirkulære om Tjenesterejseaftalen, Finansministeriet) on how to calculate traveldays.
Q) Which template should I use for the mid-term report?
A) The mid-term report must be based on the activity plan submitted in the application. It is, therefore, recommeded that you save the activity plan as Excel-format. In the form you will find that the rightmost column is reserved for the mid-term status. This is to be filled in with a short status of the specified activities.
The form must be submitted via E-grant.