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Smart Solutions to Societal Challenges

A digitalized society creates new possibilities for decision making, resource management and short and long-term planning in sectors such as transport, energy, finances and education not only within the public and private sectors.

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Det Strategiske Forskningsråd - Programkomiteen for Bæredygtig Energi og Miljø


The transition to a digitalized society allows for novel ways to access, distribute and manage information. This creates new possibilities for decision making, resource management and short and long-term planning in sectors such as  transport, energy, finances and education not only within the public and private sectors, but importantly, also in the interface to individuals and groups in society.

The high degree of IT competence and access to infrastructure both in the general population and in private and public sectors sets Denmark in a unique position to explore and develop these possibilities.

This may spearhead a development where Denmark is known for smart solutions to societal challenges as well as create new forums for innovation and development in small, medium sized and large industries.


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Senest opdateret 08. marts 2013