Som nationalt kontor for Erasmus+ har Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen mulighed for at sætte særligt fokus på én af de europæiske tværgående prioriteter inden for Key Action 2: Small-scale Partnerships, som vurderes at være særlig relevant i en dansk kontekst.
I 2025 vil prioriteten om inklusion og mangfoldighed have forrang i forbindelse med udvælgelse af ansøgninger om tilskud til Small-scale Partnerships, som indsendes til det danske nationale kontor for Erasmus+.
Konkret betyder det, at hvis to ansøgninger har opnået samme antal point i den kvalitative vurdering, og den ene omhandler den tværgående prioritet om inklusion og mangfoldighed, vil denne få forrang for den anden ansøgning, som omhandler andre prioriteter.
Prioriteten er beskrevet som følgende i den engelske udgave af programguiden for Erasmus+:
Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport: the Programme will support projects that promote social inclusion and aim at improving the outreach to people with fewer opportunities, including people with disabilities and people with a migrant background, as well as people living in rural and remote areas such as outermost regions, people facing gender inequalities, socio-economic difficulties or any other potential source of discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. These projects will help addressing the barriers faced by these groups in accessing the opportunities offered by the programme, as well as contributing to creating inclusive environments that foster equity and equality, and that are responsive to the needs of the wider community. Under this priority, the Programme will support projects that promote educational activities and facilitate the integration of people fleeing the war in Ukraine into their new learning environments.
Mere viden?
- Læs om Small-scale Partnerships inden for dagtilbud, grundskole og ungdomsuddannelse
- Læs om Small-scale Partnerships inden for erhvervsrettet grund- og efteruddannelse
- Læs om Small-scale Partnerships inden for almen voksenuddannelse og folkeoplysning
- Læs om Small-scale Partnerships inden for ungdomsområdet