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Event: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Aeronautics, Defence and Space Industries

The European Commission hosts an online event on the results from a Landmark Study on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Aeronautics, Defence and Space Industries. The event is an excellent opportunity to discuss how to make the Defence, Aeronautics and Space sectors more equal and inclusive
  • Tid og sted
  • Hvornår 24. november 2022 fra 15:00 til 16:30
  • Hvor Online

Following the closure of the #EqualitySurvey recently conducted by DG DEFIS on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) issues across the Aeronautics, Defence and Space sectors, the event aims at bringing relevant industry and institutional stakeholders together to disclose the key findings from the Survey and highlight the main areas for improvement.

The event is an excellent opportunity to discuss the current initiatives conceived by the European Commission to make the Defence, Aeronautics and Space sectors more equal and inclusive, and reflect on the existing barriers and ways to overcome them.

The event will take place online and will feature both high-level professionals from these sectors and representatives of NGOs and associations active in the promotion and safeguard of equality in the European Union.

The sessions will comprise dedicated discussions and interactions for a better understanding of the current state of affairs in ED&I and for a considered shaping of future policies.


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