Do you have an innovative project, or idea for a project, that utilizes EU space data and services, but are in need of funding? Then you are in luck! The competition #myEUspace offers funding opportunities projects that can help pave the way for the future exploitation and commercialization of EU space data and solutions.
With over 30 awards, and EUR 1 million up for grabs, #myEUSpace consists of three tracks based on the maturity of the presented solution:
Track "Submission of an Idea"
The application shall present a theoretical idea and the pain points that are addressed. The application shall also provide a description of the typical use case of the idea and the customer need/s that it will address. The expected TRL of applications in this track is TRL1-TRL31.
Track "Submission of a Prototype"
The application shall present a prototype or beta version of a solution that has already been tested in a relevant environment. The application shall also provide a description of the typical use case of the prototype, the customer needs that it addresses and the value proposition. The expected TRL of applications in this track is TRL4-TRL7.
Track "Submission of a Product"
The application shall present a product that is ready for commercialization or already in the market. The application shall also provide a description of the typical use case of the product, the customer needs that it addresses and the value proposition. The expected TRL of applications in this track is TRL8-TRL9.
To apply or for more information about the competition and deadlines, check out the competition page on the EUSPA website and on the EU Funding and Tender portal.