The European Space Agency’s Business in Space Growth Network, BGSN offers funding and support to companies for business case assessment and spaceflight preparation as well as developing and piloting of new end-to-end services and products that benefit from space environments in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The funding level depends on the activity cost and the type of entity you are.
CASE Feasibility Studies and Demonstration Projects are designed to assess, mature, and implement business concepts for new commercial services, products and applications that are enabled by existing space infrastructure related to human and robotic exploration. Eligible space infrastructure includes, for example, space-based facilities such as commercial services available aboard the International Space Station or, once available, future LEO and lunar infrastructure.
The European Space Agency offers:
- Zero-equity funding
- Personal ESA consultant
- Technical & commercial guidance
- Access to our network of partners
- Credibility of the ESA brand
- What we want
- Attractive market opportunities and customer engagement
- Commercially viable service concepts
- Technically feasible solutions
- Added value of space environment in Low Earth Orbit
- Expertise and a service provider enabling the access to space