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Matchmaking at the National Space Conference in Odense

In the matchmaking & networking area of the National Space Conference on 9 November at 15:45-17:30 you can meet a select group of companies, researchers, organizations and others working within the space sector in Denmark and abroad.

You can walk around the matchmaking area and talk to representatives from:

  • Danish Graphene
  • GomSpace
  • Sternula
  • SpaceX
  • Copenhagen Suborbitals
  • CenSec
  • SDU
  • Space Division of Ministry of Higher Education and Science
  • Danish Industry
  • ESA Business Incubation Center Denmark (including many of the upstarts in the incubator)

The matchmaking part of the conference is a great opportunity to meet the other conference participants and speakers for an informal discussion.

The matchmaking sessions are introduced by  Conference moderator Tine Gøtzsche.

The Space Conference is by now fully booked, but you are welcome to join the Matchmaking session if you are already registered.

If you are already registered for the conference and would  like to set up a point for matchmanking yourself, please contact Anders Laustsen anders@censec.dk from Censec.


Cecilie Tornøe
Tlf.: 72318284
Email: ct@ufm.dk
Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen