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Andreas Mogensen og SpaceX Crew-7 / ESA Industry Space Days 2024

Andreas Mogensen og SpaceX Crew-7 afslutter deres videnskabelige mission på rumstationen

Efter seks måneder ombord på den Internationale Rumstation vender Andreas Mogensen og SpaceX Crew-7 snart tilbage til Jorden. I løbet af missionen har Andreas Mogensen og hans besætning med stor succes gennemført en lange række eksperimenter - herunder de fleste af de danske Huginn forsøg.

ESA Industry Space Days 2024

Registration is now open for this year’s Industry Space Days (ISD) at ESA’s ESTEC technical centre, 18–19 September 2024. At ISD, the space business community can meet future business partners, showcase their capabilities, and hear from ESA as well as key players in European space industry.

Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) invites to User Workshop in Denmark

CAMS in cooperation with Aarhus University and the Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, is organising an onsite CAMS user training workshop on 30 April 2024, with a geographical focus on Denmark. The target is current and future CAMS users from universities and private entities in the country.

Call now open for support to development of generic space technologies

In 2024 up to 8.35 million Euro are allocated for the development of generic space technologies through ESA. Three different types activities are supported: GSTP Element 1 Compendia activities, GSTP Element 2 Make activities and funding aimed at correcting the Danish geo-return and competitiveness.

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Hjalte Osborn Frandsen
Tlf.: +45 72 31 91 25
Email: hof@ufm.dk

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Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen
Senest opdateret 01. august 2024