I 2012 bevilligede Det Strategiske Forskningsråd knap 4,2 mio. kr. til to forskningsprojekter inden for JPI Urban Europe:
Byudvikling og -planlægning har oftest haft en traditionel tilgang, hvor forskning og praksis er karakteriseret ved et instrumentelt fokus på mål, midler og resultater. I dag prioriteres udvikling af nye tværgående planlægningsmetoder i højere grad. APRILab har som forskningsprojekt fokus på de grundlæggende politiske dilemmaer, der begrænser effektiv innovation inden for byplanlægning.
For at de europæiske bysamfund kan fungere, er der brug for en stadig levering og distribution af varer og forsendelser internt i byer og mellem byer. Den tunge varetrafik bidrager imidlertid væsentligt til at øge trængslen, partikelforureningen og støjniveauet i byerne. CONCOORD vil bidrage til at løse de urbane trængselsproblemer gennem forbedring af logistiske systemer.
Herunder ses mere informationer om de to forskningsprojekter.
Project title:
APRILab - Action oriented planning, regulation and investment dilemmas for innovative urban development in living lab experiences.
Project coordinator: Prof. dr. W.G.M. (Willem) Salet, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam
Danish partner: Research Director Hans Thor Andersen, Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University
Total funding: 794.154 €
DCSR funding: 2.287.531 DKK
Period: 2013-2015
Partners: University of Amsterdam, NL, Aalborg University, DK, Yıldız Technical University, TR, Aalto University, FI, Amsterdam Municipality Project Management Office, NL
Innovation in planning practice through processes of co-creation has become a priority, not only for urban agencies in practice but also for scientific research. Planning practice is puzzled by upcoming concepts of adaptability, resilience, and self-organization which present idealized visions of governance. Urban development often still takes place through traditional forms of teleocratic approaches of research and practice, characterized by its instrumental focus on goal-specific tasks, means, and outcomes rather than searching for context based adaptability under the guidance of generic principles. APRILab entails research into fundamental political dilemmas that constrain effective innovation. It focuses on three major dilemmas to conceptualize the different trade-offs for governance innovation between the extremes of self-organization and control: a) planning, between control of spatial processes and accommodation of emergent urban change; b) regulation, between instrumentalism and generic normative guidance of self-regulation; c) investment, between supply and demand driven investments. The major objectives are theoretical, practical and methodological. First, the development of a paradigmatic shift for planning practice and research (achieved through specific sensitizing concepts); second, the development of a participative methodology for dilemma exploration and innovation through the urban living lab. Third, the achievement of trans-national learning communities to systematize best practices.
Project title:
CONCOORD - Consolidation and Coordination in Urban Areas
Project coordinator: Prof.dr. Tom van Woensel, Transport & Logistics, Eindhoven University of Technology
Danish partner: Associate Professor Allan Larsen, Department of Transport, DTU Technical University of Denmark
Total funding: 1.365.780 €
DCSR funding: 1.875.000 DKK
Period: 2013-2015
Partners: Eindhoven University of Technology, NL, University of Twente, NL, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), DK, Middle East Technical University, TR, Vienna University of Economics and Business, AT, Proctor and Gamble, BE, DHL, GE, EYEFREIGHT, NL, DINALOG, NL, Heineken, NL, Binnenstadtservice, NL
To enable the common European market to function effectively, an integrated, green and efficient transportation system is required. This will enable the free movement of goods and people within, and into and out of, EU territory. An efficient transportation system is vital for economic growth, European cohesion and the well being of its citizens. This proposal focuses on the important area of urban related freight transportation flows. It investigates an integrated urban freight simulation environment, a unique measurement framework for the environmental footprint of transport and logistics, and the performance measurement of new innovative urban transport and logistics concepts. Specifically, we deal with the different and important considerations of new transportation solutions, new mechanisms for execution and control of city logistics, and research on the urban distribution of goods reducing urban freight movements and its impact on residents and the environment. The fundamental idea is to stop considering each shipment, actor (e.g. shippers, Logistics Service Providers, etc.) and vehicles in isolation, but rather see them as components of an integrated logistics system to be optimized. The keywords throughout this project are CONsolidation and COORDination (CONCOORD) of the urban distribution flows that are currently fragmented. The project's results, simulation tools, and insights are, among others, disseminated via an important CONCOORD deliverable: the European Urban Transportation Experience Lab, or the EU/t E-Lab. CONCOORD involves key players in the urban transportation field, both from leading European universities and world-class Europe-based companies, who have expertise and experience in city distribution and who have the willingness to explore this issue for the benefit of all those in Europe.