Indsendt af
Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering
Resumé- Summary
The project proposes development of new super high performance building products and solutions using nanotechnology for sustainable shelters for extreme conditions.
These would use super strength materials for structural use such as graphene, cladding and insulation based on aerogels, self-cleaning, energy producing elements for lighting, heating, water purification etc.
Interdisciplinary collaboration between design, research, material producers, sections of the construction industry and entrepreneurs would support specialized production in Denmark generating opportunities for job creation, export and improving the competitiveness of Danish production industry. Also there are knowledge transfer potentials from the high-end into everyday construction applications.
Udfordring og muligheder - challenges and opportunities
Extreme climatic conditions and frequent occurrence of natural disasters, coupled with the limited natural resources influence the need to work in extreme climatic conditions. Building in Arctic climates, flooded areas, hot climates, dealing with earthquakes requires development of super high performance materials, building components, products, solutions and approaches.
Natural disasters as floods, draughts, frost, earthquakes, and tsunamis often result in loss of lives, traumatized and displaced people, spread of diseases, and huge economical and cultural loses. In 2011, in the 332 registered natural disasters, a total of 30,773 people were killed and caused 244.7 million victims worldwide.
Economic damages were the highest ever, with an estimated US$ 366.1 billion. Another alarming fact is that by 2015, on average over 375 million people per year are likely to be affected by climate-related disasters. This is over 50% more than have been affected in an average year during the last decade.”
Nanotechnology is used in pharmaceutical/medical, electronical, aeronautical industries and an approach that offers great potentials within the building sector especially in the development of super high performance materials and products.
At present there are already new products such as improved building insulation, coatings for creating self-healing concrete, self-cleaning glass, pollution (smog) -cleaning concrete etc. Worldwide research efforts are being made in broadening the application of nanotechnology such as nanocomposites as thin as glass yet capable of supporting entire buildings, and photosynthetic surfaces making any building façade a source of free energy.
Aerogel based insulating materials are especially interesting in terms of energy saving because only few millimeters of aerogels can replace big quantities of conventional thermo-insolation, and, graphene based super high-strength building materials offer possibilities of building truly minimal structures. Although these novel ideas and explorations are present in the labs there is very little done in terms of commercial production.
Målsætning- Aim
The aim of the project is to develop new products and solutions using nanotechnology for sustainable shelters for extreme conditions using super strength materials such as graphene and nanocomposites with high strength/weight ratios for structural use, cladding insulating materials based on aerogels, as well as self-cleaning, energy producing elements for lighting, heating and water purification.
In the first instance these would be developed for use in extreme conditions such as shelters for Arctic temperatures, or for high temperature areas or emergency stations in areas struck by natural disasters. It would be possible to construct them in any extreme circumstances, could be erected very quickly and taken down for reuse on other locations. The next phase would be further development of the high performance products for everyday building applications, offering great material and energy saving potentials.
Innovationsbehov - need for innovation
Innovation in new materials high-performance engineering systems based on nanotechnology have been used to a very limited level in building design.
Research, design, prototyping and testing need to be carried out to define the performance of these structures, cladding materials and products in order to prepare them for industrial production.
It is therefore critical for this project that experts from various fields to collaborate through the processes of design, modeling/prototyping, analysis, construction, manufacture and production, costing, marketing, and branding.
De danske forudsætninger – Danish preconditions
Danmark is a country known for design, high-technology specialized production and high level of research. This is an important precondition for developing highly-specialized high-technological products and solutions.
Collaboration within Denmark with Copenhagen University’s Nano-science Center, DTU Nanotech Dept, D.Design Centre, material producers and designers in Denmark as well as the construction industry is essential.
this proposal builds on two existing projects that have established an international research network with South Korea and Japan. The researchers have working partnership with the Asian partners, and furthermore their industrial partners.
Effekter og potentialer - Effects and perspectives
The design, prototyping, testing and production will be done in Denmark which is a high-skilled technological society with high levels of research capacity as well as high level of design skills and as such has the ability to lead in the development of high-performance products and solutions.
This will enlarge Denmark’s production capacity and create employment in Danish companies. Furthermore it will facilitate export of products and expertise as well as furthering collaboration between research and industry both within Denmark and abroad.
This project also offers Knowledge transfer opportunities from high-end special applications, to everyday common building practice offering great potentials for material and energy saving. The use of high performance products and solutions in every day construction can change the way we think, design and build.