Denne standardbeskrivelse af det videregående uddannelsessystem i
Danmark skal anvendes i uddannelsesinstitutionernes Diploma Supplement,
jf. punkt 8 i Diploma Supplement-skabelonen.
Opdatering af standardbeskrivelsen varetages af Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen.
The Danish Higher Education System
Maj 2023
Public higher education institutions in Denmark are regulated by national legislation concerning degree structures, teacher qualifications and examinations. Accreditation in higher education has changed from programme-based accreditation to institutional accreditation. Institutions are accredited by the Accreditation Council, a national independent body.
Higher education institutions
Higher education is offered by five types of higher education institutions:
- Business Academies (Erhvervsakademi) offering professionally oriented short and first cycle degree programmes.
- University Colleges (Professionshøjskole) offering professionally oriented first cycle degree programmes.
- Maritime Education and Training Institutions offering professionally oriented short and first cycle degree programmes.
- General and specialised research universities (Universitet) offering first, second and third cycle degree programmes in academic disciplines.
- University level institutions offering first, second and third cycle degree programmes in subject fields such as architecture, design, music and fine and performing arts.
Most of the higher education institutions are regulated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science (type 1-5). The Ministry of Culture regulates a small number of higher education institutions (type 5).
Degrees in the Danish higher education system
Danish qualifications levels | Ordinary higher education degrees | Adult / continuing higher education degrees | Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area - Bologna Framework | European / National Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning - EQF/NQF |
Academy Profession level | Academy Profession (AP) degree (90-150 ECTS) | Academy Profession (AP) degree (Akademiuddannelse)(60 ECTS) | Short cycle | Level 5 |
Bachelor's level | Professional Bachelor's degree (180-270 ECTS)* | Diploma degree (60 ECTS) | First cycle | Level 6 |
Bachelor's level | Bachelor's degree (within the arts) (180 ECTS) | Diploma degree (60 ECTS) | First cycle | Level 6 |
Bachelor's level | Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS) | Diploma degree (60 ECTS) | First cycle | Level 6 |
Master's level | Master’s degree (Candidatus) (120 ECTS)**, e.g. Master of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Music, Master of Fine Arts | Master degree (Masteruddannelse)(60-90 ECTS) | Second cycle | Level 7 |
Master's level | Master of [field of study] (Akademisk Overbygning) (60 ECTS) | Master degree (Masteruddannelse)(60-90 ECTS) | Second cycle | Level 7 |
PhD level | PhD degree (180 ECTS) | Third cycle | Level 8 |
* Can be obtained through a full regular bachelor’s programme (180-270 ECTS) or a top-up bachelor’s programme following an Academy Profession degree.
** A few Master’s programmes are up to 180 ECTS.
Higher education institutions measure study activities in ECTS credits. 60 ECTS correspond to one year full-time study.
Qualifications framework
The qualification levels form the basis for the Danish National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, which is certified in accordance with the overarching Bologna Framework according to the principles adopted by the European Ministers of Higher Education. Danish higher education qualifications at levels 5-8 of the Danish Qualifications Frame-work for Lifelong Learning (NQF) correspond with levels 5-8 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). Generic level descriptions of learning outcomes can be found at
Admission and progression
General access to higher education in Denmark requires an Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate or comparable qualifications. Admission to some particular programmes requires entrance examination or submission of a portfolio of artistic work. Holders of an Academy Profession degree can obtain a Professional Bachelor’s degree within the same field of study through a top-up programme. Completion of a first cycle degree qualifies students for admission to the second cycle.
Ordinary Higher Education degrees
The Academy Profession degree is awarded after 90-150 ECTS and includes a period of work placement of at least 15 ECTS. The programmes are development-based and combine theoretical studies with a practical approach. Programmes are, among others, offered within Marketing Management, Computer Science and Chemical and Biotechnical Science. The Danish title is field of study followed by the abbreviation AK and the English title is AP Graduate in [field of study].
The Professional Bachelor’s degree is awarded after 180-270 ECTS and includes a period of work placement of at least 30 ECTS. The programmes are applied programmes. They are development-based and combine theoretical studies with a practical approach. Examples of professional bachelor’s degree holders are nurses, primary and lower secondary school teachers and certain types of engineers. The Danish title is Professionsbachelor i [field of study] and the English title is Bachelor of [field of study].
The Bachelor’s degree from a university is awarded after 180 ECTS. The programmes are research-based and are offered in all scientific fields. The Danish title is Bachelor (BA) i [field of study] or Bachelor (BSc) i [field of study] and the English title is Bachelor of Arts (BA) in [field of study] or Bachelor (BSc) of Science in [field of study].
The Bachelor’s degree within the arts is awarded after 180 ECTS. The programmes are based on artistic practice, also artistic research and if relevant, scientific research. The Danish title is Bachelor (BA) i [field of study], Bachelor i musik (BMus) [field of study] or Bachelor i billedkunst (BFA) [field of study], and the English title is Bachelor of Arts (BA) in [field of study], Bachelor of Music (BMus) [field of study] or Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in [field of study]. A higher education degree within filmmaking is awarded after 4 years of study (240 ECTS).
The Master’s degree (Candidatus) is awarded after 120 ECTS (a few after 150/180 ECTS). The programmes are based on research and offered in all scientific fields. The Danish title is abbreviated to Cand. [Latin abbreviation of academic area] i [field of study]. The English title is Master of Arts (MA) in [field of study] or Master of Science (MSc) in [field of study].
The Master’s degree within the arts is awarded after 120 ECTS. The programmes are primarily based on artistic practice, artistic research and, if relevant, scientific research. The English title is Master of Arts (MA) in [field of study], Master of Music (MMus) [field of study] or Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in [field of study]. Music Academies offer an Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Music (solist) of 2 to 4 years (120-240 ECTS) following the Master’s degree.
The ”Master of” [field of study] degree (Akademisk Overbygning): Since 2019, universities have also been able to offer a one-year, research-based academic postgraduate programme, as a new type of ordinary full-time master’s study programme (60 ECTS).
The PhD degree is awarded after 180 ECTS. PhD programmes are offered by the universities and some university level institutions offering degrees in the artistic and cultural field.
Detailed descriptions of degree levels can be found in the Danish Qualifications Framework at Please consult the relevant Diploma Supplement for information about the learning outcome of any specific degree.
Adult and continuing higher education
The programmes normally consist of 2 years of part-time study, equivalent to 1 year of full-time study (60 ECTS credits). Certain master programmes require 1½ years of full-time study (90 ECTS credits). Admission requirements are a relevant educational qualification and at least 2 years of relevant work experience.
Adult and continuing education is available at levels corresponding to qualifications of the ordinary higher education system:
- The Academy Profession degree (akademiuddannelse) is awarded after studies at short cycle level and gives access to Diploma programmes.
- The Diploma degree (diplomuddannelse) is awarded after studies at first cycle level and gives access to Master programmes.
- The Master degree (masteruddannelse) is awarded after studies at second cycle level.
The 7-point grading scale
The grading system used in all state-regulated education programmes as of September 2007 is the 7-point grading scale. Apart from the 7-point grading scale, pass/fail assessment may also be used. 02 is the minimum grade for passing an exam.
Description of grades: 12: For an excellent performance displaying a high level of command of all aspects of the relevant material, with no or only a few minor weaknesses; 10: For a very good performance displaying a high level of command of most aspects of the relevant material, with only minor weaknesses; 7: For a good performance displaying good command of the relevant material but also some weaknesses; 4: For a fair performance displaying some command of the relevant material but also some major weaknesses; 02 For a performance meeting only the minimum requirements for acceptance; 00: For a performance which does not meet the minimum requirements for acceptance; -3 For: a performance which is unacceptable in all respects.