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Indstillede kandidater i 2021

19 kandidater fra universiteter fra Grønland, Færøerne og Danmark er indstillet til specialekonkurrencen i 2021. Se, hvem de er, og hvad deres specialer handler om.

Prisoverrækkelsen sker d. 29. november kl. 15.00-16.00, hvor der udpeges en vinder fra hvert land. Prismodtageren modtager en hæderspris på 40.000 kroner hver.


AneliaAnelia Blagoeva Philbrow - Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, Universitet på Færøerne 

Specialetitel og resumé

Understanding Sustainable Tourism (Practices) Through Governance Perspective. Spanning Structural Holes with Closed for Maintenance – Open for Voluntourism.

"Although the analysis is taking each aspect of sustainability separately according to the classical approach to sustainability, it can be easily observed how they overlap and how one cannot be considered in isolation from the others." 

AviaqAviaq Johanne Lisa Reimer Olsen - Ilisimatusarfik, Grønlands Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

En antropologisk undersøgelse af kulturmøder mellem danske gymnasielærere og de grønlandske elever.

"The thesis points out how the educational regime in Greenland is not suitable for the Greenlandic culture".

 Casper, Mikkel og Nina

Casper Wulff, Mikkel Schiott og Nina Skak Rasmussen - Copenhagen Business School

Specialetitel og resumé

Et umage fællesskab - en undersøgelse af den dansk-grønlandske relation i Rigsfællesskabet. 

"How do the Danish government and its representatives communicate about Greenland’s historic, present, and future role as a member of the Danish Commonwealth and how is power at stake as a consequence?"


Christian Vindal Bech - Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

Off-Site Manufacturing of Greenlandic Buildings - A Social and industrial investigation. 

"There is a considerable shortage of housing in Greenland's larger cities. At the same time, there is a significant renovation backlog and people living in buildings that are not up to the current building standards. These challenges require a social and financially sustainable solution that adds value to Greenlandic society."

Ditte og Joshua

Ditte Skårhøj og Joshua Vatit Mair - Københavns Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

Vejen til selvstændighed - Et studie af ideerne om vejen til selvstændighed i Grønland fra 2009-2020.

"The purpose of this study is therefore to remedy these shortcomings and to give an initial understanding of how different ideas about independence have proliferated and gained influence in Greenlandic society".


Eva-Luusi Marcussen-Mølgaard - Ilisimatusarfik, Grønlands Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

Forsoningsprocessen i Grønland - en afstandtagen fra kolonitidens eftervirkninger?

"(...) the topic of reconciliation - in one way or another - will keep emerging until there comes a generation that no longer will carry the consequences of colonization".


Frederik Braüner Nygaard - Det Kongelige Akademi - Arkitektur, Design, Konservering

Specialetitel og resumé


"My thesis and the grander theory of intersectionality can help us redefine how we engage with each other in a contemporary transnational, diverse community (...) I saw how remnants from the era of welfare colonialism still shape both the physical, social, and political structures in Nuuk".

Freja og Johanne

Freja Elbradt og Johanne Tapia Segura - Roskilde Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

Et socialt tilbud til unge grønlændere, der er vokset op i hjem med rusmiddelmisbrug. 

"The purpose of this project is to create a treatment offer for young Greenlanders who have been growing up in homes with substance abuse. The project researches the circumstances and challenges in the social field in Greenland and why this target group does not receive adequate support".


Hanne Bjerre Larsen - Aarhus Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

Structures of Silence - A disavowed framework of affective silence, discursive silence, and coloniality of silence in Det Grønlandske Hus in Aarhus.

"Why are there no open conversations about coloniality and climate change in Det Grønlandske Hus?"


Huiru Huang - Arkitektskolen Aarhus

Specialetitel og resumé

Architecturalize Greenland, Re-Envisioning Marmorilik Mining Landscape.

"To re-think and combine the mining and tourist industries, I propose a new way of resource use at Marmorilik which
would potentially contribute to building a local community with a sustainable economy".


Iben Fejerskov Larsen - Aalborg Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

“While we owe much to America I do not feel that we owe them the whole island of Greenland”. - How the triangular security relationship between Greenland, Denmark, and the United States is articulated in events of US’ attempts to purchase Greenland in 1946 and 2019, their reflections of the Arctic security political issues, and the effects in the triangular relationship.

"The purchase proposals reflect Arctic security political issues and great power rivalry in the sense that US’ interests in Greenland is highly determined by external factors, i.e. its constructed threats of other great powers." 


Jakob Theodor Åkerman Nielsen - Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

Determining thermal properties of permafrost in marine sedimentary deposits in Ilulissat.

"Using geothermal modelling in cold regions is very important as it provides important information vital for deciding on the optimal design for any construction project in cold regions. In Greenland this is important in the permafrost regions north of the Arctic Circle, especially in the relatively warm southern permafrost areas, where the ground is expected to thaw in the very near future, and where urban expansion plans and infrastructure projects might collide with challenging ground conditions and impending ground settlements caused by permafrost thaw."


Johan og Malthe

Johan Ørsted Pedersen og Malthe Jul Garnak - Københavns Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

Shame, sovereignty and social issues - Comparing discourses on Greenlandic social issues and their effects on the move towards independence.

"Our discourse analysis shows that the social issues clearly affect the possibility of Greenlandic independence, and that there are considerable inconsistencies in how the social issues are formulated in Denmark and in Greenland. The question of Greenlandic independence is characterized by strenuous dilemmas, and on the basis of our results we conclude that the social issues constitute an obstacle to secession from Denmark."


Karl-Peter Kristensen - Roskilde Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

NEW ORGANIZATIONAL PRACTICES IN GREENLANDIC MUNICIPALITIES - A case study on the effects of Municipality Qeqertalik's organizational change.

"(...) structural change and the abolition of several directors and functional managers has given employees the opportunity for greater collaboration in the organization. From the empirical evidence, it can be concluded that the abolition of these top managers has changed the management style and the decision-making processes."


Lærke Marie Kjeldgaard Futtrup - Aarhus Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

The Good Life in Tasiilaq - A qualitative study on the good life and development in East Greenland.

"(...) the notion of a good life is among the inhabitants in Tasiilaq related to health, population, material well-being, education, cultural well-being and cultural vitality, contact with nature and fate control. All these domains are included in the ASI framework. However, the good life is furthermore related to emotional well-being, family and social relations, and community cohesion."


Marianne Jensen - Ilisimatusarfik, Grønlands Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

Postkoloniale ofre eller selvforskyldte problemer? - Beslutningsprocesser i anlægsvirksomheden 1950-60.

"(...) the balance of power between Danish and Greenlandic decision makers and the associated institutions involved in terms of the construction sector was completely and wholly in Danish hands. The thesis documents that the Greenlandic population were spectators to the development of their own country."


Paulina Maaret Mairjami - Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, Universitet på Færøerne

Specialetitel og resumé

NAPA IN NORDEN: CULTURAL BRIDGES IN CONSTRUCTION - A mixed-method case study of Greenland’s status within Nordic cooperation.

"It is impossible to determine if the data collected mainly reflects the other countries’ loose ties to or disinterest in Greenland or Greenland’s loose ties to or disinterest in the other Nordic countries, but the main discovery is that the strongest cultural bridge NAPA has helped build, or maintain, is the one that already is strong and established - the one between Greenland and Denmark."


Sophie Dolmer - Aarhus Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

Between a binary and a hybrid understanding of social identity - The discursive duality among Greenlandic High School students.

"The Greenlandic individuals’ comprehension of their social identity mirrors a Danish-Greenlandic ambivalence in general; the benefits from the Commonwealth are on several points at the expense of the Greenlandic social identity."


Vivi Vold - Ilisimatusarfik, Grønlands Universitet

Specialetitel og resumé

Illumination of opportunities and challenges at the crossroads between research on Greenland and Greenlandic society - reflection and analysis of the visual material From where we view the world.

"(...) the gap between these two worlds is a lack of acknowledging the Indigenous Knowledge in Greenland. How western and eurocentric knowledge is valued higher and has a higher status in science general here in Greenland."

Kravene for at deltage i konkurrencen er blandt andet, at specialet har fået en karakter på mindst 10.


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