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Nyheder - Rumområdet

Viser 1-180 af 690 resultater
Do you wish to be part of the future Moon exploration?

Aimed at early-stage ventures and innovative start-ups within the field of space resource utilization technology, ESRIC Start-up Support Programme has opened a call for project proposals focused on innovative solutions for space exploration and lunar prospecting technologies. Deadline is 31 July.

Launch your idea for on-orbit experiment topics for humans in space.

If you are a startup or researcher and address pioneering on-orbit experiment topics for humans in space, the 2024 Humans in Space Challenge might be for you. The challenge addresses the two topics: Critical Problems in Space and Critical Problems on Earth. The call closes June 27th.

Join the ESA Academy Training Programme

Sign up now! University students in Denmark and other ESA member states are invited to join the ESA Academy Space Debris Training Course in Belgium, from 9 to 13 September 2024 or the Concurrent Engineering Workshop in Belgium, from 16 to 20 September 2024

Apply now for the ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy

One of ECSL’s most successful activities is the ESA/ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy, which is open to students of all levels of study, as well as a few young professionals already working in space or space-related sectors. Applications for the 2024 edition are now open until 23 June 2024.

Dansk prioritetsliste for GSTP Element 1 kompendieaktiviteter

Fire GSTP Element 1 kompendie aktiviteter er nu udvalgt, sådan at alle danske aktører fremover vil kunne søge disse aktiviteter via ESA-Star. Derudover er der etableret en reserveliste af aktiviteter som kan støttes, hvis en eller flere af de fire aktiviteter ikke vindes af danske ansøgere

Future EO-1 Segment 2 Open Call For Proposal For EO Innovation

The call is a framework to rapidly respond to new innovative ideas with the objective to exploit Earth Observation data, related capabilities and infrastructures. It is intended to support innovative developments responding to opportunities from Earth Observation. First cut-off date: 30 May.

Invitation to first ESA Science Town Hall online event on 28 May 9:30 – 12:30

Meet the director of the ESA Science programme, Dr. Carole Mundell, and learn about the programme, its visions, exciting missions and different ways to interact with the programme. All members of the scientific community, independent of their career stage or affiliation, are invited to attend.

Information om kommende opslag til ESA’s ARTES Competitiveness & Growth (C&G)

Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen har øremærket 3 Meuro til at støtte innovationsprojekter fra danske virksomheder inden for satellitkommunikation og forventer at udsende et opslag senest i starten af juni. Midlerne er øremærket projekter fra danske virksomheder (industriinitierede projekter)

Announcement of Opportunity som Science Planner til IRIS

For tiende gang kan forskere i ESA’s medlemsstater søge om at blive ”Science Planner” for den NASA ledede IRIS mission. I alt bliver tre forskere med speciale i solfysik valgt ud fra ekspertise og foreslået observationsprogram. Ansøgninger skal sendes til ESA senest 3. juni 2024 kl. 12:00 CEST

ESA Call for Earth Explorer-12 Mission Advisory Groups (MAG) is open

ESA is preparing to study and develop at Phase 0 level four mission ideas selected as candidates for the Earth Explorer 12 mission: CryoRad, ECO, Hydroterra+, and Keystone. Through this Call for MAG membership, four new groups will be established, one for each candidate mission idea

Announcement of Opportunity som Science Planner til IRIS

For tiende gang kan forskere i ESA’s medlemsstater søge om at blive ”Science Planner” for den NASA ledede IRIS mission. I alt bliver tre forskere med speciale i solfysik valgt ud fra ekspertise og foreslået observationsprogram. Ansøgninger skal sendes til ESA senest 3. juni 2024 kl. 12:00 CEST

Brug rummet-opslag: Søg støtte til udvikling af kunde- eller brugerdrevne rumdatabaserede applikationer gennem ESA’s ARTES kickstartprogram – frist for ansøgning til ESA 7. juni kl. 13:00

Danske virksomheder har nu gennem ESA’s Business Applications Space Solutions-program (BASS) mulighed for at søge tilskud til markedsfeasibility- og tekniske studier, såkaldte kickstartprojekter. Formålet med studiet skal være at udvikle en eller flere applikationer baseret på rumdata.

Andreas Mogensens hjemkomst til Danmark fejres den 29. april

Vær med til at hylde og byde astronaut Andreas Mogensen velkommen hjem til Danmark den 29. april. Det er første gang, Andreas Mogensen er tilbage i Danmark, efter at han den 12. marts landede på Jorden efter mere end seks måneder på Den internationale rumstation, ISS

Do you want to study astronauts in a 100-day isolation and confined environment?

ESA is soliciting for research experiments to be implemented during a 100-day isolation and confinement study. Particular areas of interest are general crew health and wellbeing, team cohesion and performance, cognition and sleep, mood and psychological state, microbiology, stress and immune system.

Join the European Centre for Space Economy and Commerce

Join ESA’s interdisciplinary Space Economy and Commerce network which connects individuals from the private sector, public institutions, international organisations and academia. Become a part of a vibrant community which fosters European collaboration toward the development of the space sector.

EUSPA call for Trainees

The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) provides university students and graduates with a unique and first-hand experience of the workings of the EUSPA, in particular, and of the EU institutions in general.

Dansk forsker skal være med til at designe månestationen Lunar Gateway

Flere af verdens ledende rumagenturer, herunder både ESA og NASA, er gået sammen om at designe fremtidens rumstation, som de planlægger at sætte i kredsløb om Månen. Simon Vilms Pedersen fra Syddansk Universitet (SDU) skal være med til at anbefale, hvilke teknologier der bør være ombord.

Time to submit proposals for observations to be performed with CHEOPS

This 5th Announcement of Opportunity (AO-5) marks the second year of opportunities in CHEOPS' first extended mission. AO-5 opens on 12 March 2024 and will close on 25 April 2024, soliciting proposals for observations to be carried out as part of the CHEOPS Guest Observers (GO) Programme.

Andreas er vendt hjem til Jorden

Tirsdag den 12. marts 2024 vendte Andreas og hans astronaut-kollegaer hjem til jordens overflade efter næsten 200 dage i rummet. Andreas nåede at gennemføre en lang række danske og internationale videnskabelige eksperimenter, være pilot på Dragon-fartøjet og kommandør på rumstationen.

Call now open for support to development of generic space technologies

In 2024 up to 8.35 million Euro are allocated for the development of generic space technologies through ESA. Three different types activities are supported: GSTP Element 1 Compendia activities, GSTP Element 2 Make activities and funding aimed at correcting the Danish geo-return and competitiveness.

Danish HEIMDAL project selected for flight on a stratospheric balloon

Ten new student teams have been selected to participate in the Swedish-German REXUS/BEXUS programme and will develop their own experiments for a flight on a stratospheric balloon or sounding rocket. One of the selected teams is HEIMDAL from the University of Southern Denmark and Aarhus University.

ESA Academy’s CubeSat Summer School is open for applications

Do you want to participate in a CubeSat project? Or is your dream to have a career in the space sector, but you’re not sure what space-related skills you need? If so, ESA Education Office's CubeSat Summer School 2024, is for you! Application is open until 15 April 2024.

Læs særudgave af magasinet Dansk Rumfart om Andreas Mogensens rummission

Som en del af det landsdækkende formidlingsprojekt Rumrejsen, har Dansk Selskab for Rumfartsforskning udgivet det andet af to særnumre af magasinet Dansk Rumfart fuld af artikler om Andreas Mogensens mission til den Internationale Rumstation. Magasinet er nu tilgængeligt i både print og online.

Opportunity for membership of the LISA science team

The ESA Director of Science invites scientists based in ESA Member States to apply for membership of the LISA Science Team. Mandatory Letters of Intent due 21 February 2024, 12:00 (noon) CET and Deadline for receipt of Proposals 27 March 2024, 12:00 (noon) CET.

Opportunity for membership of the NewAthena science study team

The ESA Director of Science invites scientists based in ESA Member States to apply for membership of the NewAthena Science Study Team. Mandatory Letters of Intent due 21 February 2024, 12:00 (noon) CET and Deadline for receipt of Proposals 20 March 2024, 12:00 (noon) CET.

Participate in the Space Scotland Summit Nordics 2024

You are invited to experience Scotland’s end-to-end capability in space at the Space Scotland Summit Nordics 2024, hosted at the British Embassy in Copenhagen on March 20, 2024, from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM CET, followed by a networking reception.

Apply now for the ESA-FAIR Space Radiation School 2024

The ESA-FAIR Radiation Summer School has been established to train students in basic heavy ion biophysics for both terrestrial and space applications. The school will be unique worldwide and is expected to attract large attention from the international community. Deadline for application April 30.

Application open for Summer School Alpbach 2024

Sixty European engineering and science students will be selected to participate in a ten-day learning opportunity held in the village of Alpbach in the beautiful Austrian Alps. The topic of the Summer School Alpbach 2024 is: “Giant planets and their moons”. Apply now for an experience of a lifetime!

Kommissionens blik på EU's prioriteringer på rumområdet

Den 16. udgave af European Space Conference blev afholdt i Bruxelles 23-24 januar, hvor repræsentanter fra hele det europæiske rum-økosystem deltog. De gennemgående temaer på årets konference var den kommende EU rumlov, national sikkerhed og konkurrenceevne.

Danmark styrker i 2024 igen sit bidrag til Den europæiske rumorganisation ESA

Danmark øger i 2024 atter sit bidrag til ESA. Bidraget rettes mod jordobservation, rumteknologier samt støtte til videnskabelig instrumenter. Samtidig vender Danmark tilbage til udviklingen af europæiske løfteraketter og der reserveres midler til et dansk ’Accelerator-initiativ’ for grøn omstilling.

Do your experiment or satellite need a ride to space?

Two parallel EU Calls for Expression of Interest are open to gather experiments that could be considered for In Orbit Demonstration/Validation actions that cover aggregation, if needed, launch services and operations. The calls are open until 15th of March 2024, 18.00 (CET).

Få en stærk start på rum-karrieren som Graduate hos ESA

I februar åbner ESA for ansøgning til deres graduate program hvor der vil være omkring hundrede stillinger inden for et bredt felt af rumrelaterede områder. Det højt profilerede program er at springbræt til en karriere i den internationale rumindustri. Webinarer om programmet 2., 7. og 23. februar.

Få støtte til din innovative ideer med CASSINI Challenges

Der er åbent for ansøgning til anden runde af EUSPA’s CASSINI Challenges konkurrence for innovativ, kommerciel udnyttelse af satellitdata. Personer og virksomheder fra EU kan deltage med enten prototyper (Deadline 9. februar 2024) eller produkter (Deadline 19. april 2024). Præmiepulje på 1.000.000€.

ESA Technology Development Element (TDE) work plan 2023-2024

Check out the European Space Acency’s TDE Work Plan 2023-2024 to see if you can help develop ESA’s future missions. The TDE programme is funded by ESA’s Basic Activities – a mandatory programme all ESA member states participate in. The TDE work plan is released on the ESA Star portal

Horizon Europe Destination Space calls are open

A number of Space calls are now open for submission. Check them out, team up with international partners and apply: Horizon Europe programme Cluster 4, Destination 5: Open Strategic Autonomy in Developing, Deploying and Using Global Space-Based Infrastructures, Services, Applications and Data

Competition: Developing Europe's space cargo return service

ESA is launching a competition which initiates a first phase of activities for European companies to eventually demonstrate a complete cargo delivery service to and from space stations in low-Earth orbit by 2028. An online briefing meeting is planned for 8 January 2024


ESA Star open tender on Refinement of EuroQCI security baseline and definition of proposals for possible KMS approach at EuroQCI level, considering segregation requirements at system level. EuroQCI will safeguard sensitive data and critical infrastructures by integrating quantum-based systems.

ESA Academy: Open courses and hands on opportunities

Check out the new offers! ESA Academy is ESA's educational programme for university students. ESA Academy offers tailored transfer of space know-how and interaction with space professionals, ESA Academy takes students through a learning path that enriches their academic education.

Andreas Mogensen har igen filmet de spektakulære lyn fra ISS

Andreas Mogensen er igen lykkedes med at tage billeder, der giver helt ny viden om blå lyn i skyerne og lyn kaldet røde feer i atmosfæren højt over jorden. DTU Space bruger billederne til at undersøge, hvordan de kraftige lyn kan påvirke koncentrationen of drivhusgasser i atmosfæren.

Nyskabende og velbesøgt rumkonference 2023

Den nationale Rumkonference 2023 blev afholdt 9.-10. november på Syddansk Universitet (SDU), som var en perfekt ramme om de 300+ deltagere, 50 talere og paneldeltagere og et imponerende udstillingsområde. Deltagerne havde mange livlige debatter, og ideer til nye projekter og samarbejde så dagens lys

Nyt magasin om de danske forsøg på Huginn missionen

Dansk Selskab for Rumfartsforskning har netop udgivet et nyt nummer af deres magasin Dansk Rumfart. Magasinet bringer artikler skrevet af forsøgslederne for nogen af de danske Huginn forsøg og fortæller om projektet Rumrejsen, som selskabet ligesom UFM er en del af.

Rumdelegation til Californien maj 2024 skal styrke dansk-amerikansk rumsamarbejde

Innovation Center Denmark Silicon Valley arrangerer i samarbejde med Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen en rumdelegationstur til Californien, der nu er fastsat til at finde sted i maj 2024. Turen skal styrke dansk-amerikansk rumsamarbejde og har netop fået tilknyttet Michael Lumholdt konsulent.

Matchmaking at the National Space Conference in Odense

In the matchmaking & networking area of the National Space Conference on 9 November at 15:45-17:30 you can meet a select group of companies, researchers, organizations and others working within the space sector in Denmark and abroad.

Mid-term evaluation of the Space Programme of the European Union

Your input is wanted!. The call for evidence on Mid-term evaluation of the European Union Space Programme is now open for feedback until 9 November 2023. The Commission seeks inputs, that will contribute to further development and fine-tuning of the space programme.

Poster session at the Danish National Space Conference

On 9-10 November, the National Space Conference will be held at SDU Odense. Here you will have the opportunity to see poster contributions covering a variety of space relate topics, from student satellites to microbiology in space. The conference is fully booked, but sign up on the waiting list.

Andreas Mogensens rumvandring er udsat

Andreas Mogensen og NASA astronaut Loral O’Hara skulle have været på rumvandring den 12. oktober, men den er blevet udskudt på grund af lækager på ISS. Lækagerne blev opdaget mandag den 9. oktober på en radiator på Rumstationens Multipurpose Laboratory Module.

Unlock Your Space Entrepreneurial Journey with CASSINI Challenges

The CASSINI Challenges, formerly #Myeuuspace competition, is open for applications. The competition is divided in three thematic tracks like the maturity of the proposed solution. A total € 1.000.000 are available in prize money. A webinar about the CASSINI Challenges will be held on 24 October

ESA Call for Small Missions for Exploration – Destination the Moon

Seize the opportunity to become a leading actor of exploration with a new type of mission, starting with the Moon. Small missions offer a programmatic opportunity for consortia from Participating States like Denmark with a small contribution to the ESA’s Terrae Novae Programme. Deadline 14 December

Pressemøde om Andreas Mogensens rumvandring

Torsdag den 12. oktober kl. 16.00 dansk tid skal Andreas Mogensen på rumvandring uden på den Internationale Rumstation, ISS. Andreas Mogensen skal installere et nyt kamera med høj opløsning, mens han er fastgjort til ISS ene robotarm, Canadarm2. NASA holder pressemøde om rumvandringen den 6. oktober

Targeted consultation on EU Space Law

Now is the time to send your input for the new EU Space Law. The legislative proposal expects to envisage common EU rules addressing the safety, resilience and sustainability of space activities and operations. The online questionnaire will be available until 2 November 2023.

Call for Interest for the EU Space Information Sharing and Analysis Centre

The EU SPACE ISAC will be a membership-driven organization, engaging industry, public sector institutions and academia. It will act as a network-based information sharing platform, connecting its Participants to communicate in a trusted environment. The first of several deadlines is 31 October 2023

SciSpacE Call for LEO Facility Definition Teams (FDTs) Membership

Get first-hand knowledge of ESA’s Exploration programme by joining ESA’s “Science in Space Environment” (SciSpacE) Facility Definition Teams and support the definition of science activities for the post-ISS era. Early career scientists are specifically encouraged to apply. Deadline 8 October 2023

The CASSINI Business Accelerator Programme is open for applications!

The CASSINI Business Accelerator is now open for applications. Successful applicants will receive tailored support, access to industry experts, and a seed voucher worth € 75.000 among other things. A webinar about the Accelerator will be held on September 13th. Deadline September 29th.

INTEGRAL Announcement of Opportunity for AO-21 Cycle Observations Proposals

Announcement of Opportunity of the 21th cycle of observations proposals for the ESA Science mission INTEGRAL. INTEGRAL carries two main gamma-ray instruments, covering simultaneously a broad energy range for the study of high energy astrophysical sources. Deadline is 29 september 2023

Circadian Light installed on ISS

The Circadian Light experiment developed by SAGA Space Architects from Copenhagen, Denmark includes a lamp designed to support the circadian rhythm of astronauts in space. ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen installed the light inside his crew cabin on the third day of his stay in space

Få din rum-poster på rumkonferencen 2023

Den 9. – 10. november kommer den Nationale Rumkonference til SDU Odense. Her har du mulighed for at stille op med en poster om dine studieaktiviteter og visioner for rummet. Du kan du modtage 1.000 kr. i støtte til at udvikle og printe din poster.

ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science

ESA's postdoctoral Research Fellowship programme offers early-career scientists and engineers the possibility to carry out research in a variety of disciplines related to space science, space applications or space technology. Application deadline is 18 September 2023

Watch Huginn launch on 25 August

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen and his family are currently in isolation with a duration of two weeks before the launch. He will be launched as part of Crew-7 to the International Space Station for the Huginn mission on 25 August at 09:49 – Danish time. You can watch the launch on ESA WebTV 2.

Optag en video af din yndlingscykeltur til Andreas Mogensen

Danish Aerospace Company udskriver konkurrence for alle: Optag din egen cykelrute til brug for motion på den nye rumcykel på ISS. Videoen skal bruges af Andreas Mogensen i det danske VR-for exercise forsøg på Huginn missionen. Deadline for indsendelse af videoer er 15. september 2023.

Tag et billede af nymånen for DMI’s Huginn forsøg - Earthshine

Den danske ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen skal tage billeder af nymånen for at hjælpe DMI’s klimaforskere med at blive klogere på klodens klima. Billeder af nymånen taget fra jorden skal også bidrage til projektet - og her kan du komme på banen med et #NewMoonSnap

Ny artikel- og videoserie på Videnskab.dk om Andreas' eksperimenter

Videnskab.dk bringer den komplicerede rumforskning helt ned på jorden i en ny serie, hvor de sætter fokus på nogle af de eksperimenter, som den danske astronaut Andreas Mogensen skal lave ombord på sit ophold på Den Internationale Rumstation i 2023, og hvordan teknologierne kan bruges her på kloden

Two tenders on Space Weather instrumentation and forecasting

Are you an expert or a company working on space weather, this is for you? ESA has launched two tenders on space weather tasks. ESA is managing particular space weather tasks under the European Commission’s Horizon Europe work programme for 2024. Deadline for offers: 29 August 2023

Join the CHEOPS science team

ESA has launched an Announcement of Opportunity for membership of the CHEOPS science team. The CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite (CHEOPS) is a small mission in the ESA Science Programme, dedicated to the search for transits of exoplanets using ultrahigh precision photometry on bright stars

Ny brochure om Huginn missionen

Læs om baggrunden, træningen, forsøgene og meget mere for Andreas Mogensens mission i ESA’s helt nye brochure om Huginn missionen. Efter planen sendes ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen på mission til den internationale rumstation med SpaceX Crew7 den 21. august 2023

Opslag: GSTP 2023 – søg støtte til udvikling af rumrelateret teknologi

I 2023 øremærkes 2,4 millioner Euro igennem European Space Agency's (ESA) program for generel upstream rumrelateret teknologiudvikling (GSTP) til innovative projekter i danske virksomheder og forskningsinstitutioner. Læs mere om opslaget, og hvordan midlerne søges, her.

Call for membership of the NGGM Mission Advisory Group

ESA invites Earth Observation experts to apply for membership of the Next Generation Gravity Mission (NGGM) Mission of Opportunity MAG. Members will be selected to provide advice during the feasibility study phase (A/B). The call remains open until 16th July 12:00hrs CET.

Huginn missionen er også for børn

I anledning af Andreas Mogensens Huginn mission til ISS lanceres en et væld af aktiviteter for børn og unge. Uddannelses- og forskningsstyrelsens repræsentation i European Space Agency, ESA har givet en række danske samarbejdspartnere en unik mulighed for at udvikle aktiviteter for børn om og unge

Huginn and Muninn ready for space

Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA) and ESA are cooperating to support ESA Project astronaut Marcus Wandt’s mission with Axiom using a commercial fast-track. The launch time is still to be decided. Last week Marcus unveiled his mission name, Munnin, and patch.

Teknologisk Institut skal udvikle 'rumdragt' til robotter

Teknologisk Institut har netop annonceret, at de har fået kontrakt med European Space Agency (ESA) på at tage første skridt i udviklingen af en beskyttende beklædning – et såkaldt smart skin – til robotarme. Visionen er at bane vej for flere robotter i rummet.

Andreas Mogensen assigned as Commander of Expedition 70

ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher kicked off the Paris Air Show Live - session on the ambitions of Europe in human and robotic exploration with the Breaking News about the assignment of Andreas Mogensen as Commander on the International Space Station

REXUS/BEXUS call for proposals now open!

ESA’s REXUS/BEXUS programme offers flight opportunities on sounding rockets and stratospheric balloons for experimental payloads designed and developed by university students. The balloons and rockets will be launched from Esrange in Kiruna, Sweden, in autumn 2024 and spring 2025, respectively.

Small missions - A new exploration initiative for small countries

ESA has a new initiative in the planning: Small Missions that will offer a programmatic opportunity for small and medium countries to become more visible in the implementation of ESA’s exploration strategy. The initiative is planned to be launched in September 2023 and will have a short deadline.

SpaceX Dragon CRS-28 er ankommet til rumstationen med dansk teknologi

Dragon leverede ikke kun vitale forsyninger, men også de første fire af de danske eksperimenter til Andreas Mogensens Huginn mission. De sidste eksperimenter forventes at ankomme under missionen i slutningen af 2023. Dragon CRS-28 blev opsendt den 5. juni og ankom dagen efter til rumstationen

Wanted: European commercial cargo service for space stations around Earth

ESA invites European companies to submit proposals for commercial cargo transportation services to and from the International Space Station and future commercial low Earth orbit outposts. A webinar on 15 June 2023 will be held to answer questions. Deadline for an Outline Proposal is 29 June 2023.

Danmark styrker sit bidrag til Den europæiske rumorganisation ESA

Danmark øger sit bidrag til ESA. Det øgede bidrag vil primært tilgå programmer inden for jordobservation, rumteknologi, applikationer baseret på rumdata samt støtte til videnskabelige rummissioner. Samtidig forlænges finansieringen af ESA’s inkubationsmiljø ESA BIC Denmark frem til udgangen af 2026.

New call for local organisers for the Cassini hackathon 6th edition

EUSPA is calling for potential local organizers of the 6th Cassini Hackathon, Oct. 3-5 2023, bringing together innovators to tackle global challenges using European space technologies. The 6th hackathon will focus on leveraging space for sustainable international development and humanitarian aid.

Call for ideas: Identifying Challenges along the Lunar ISRU Value Chain

The European Space Agency has a question for you: Have you identified gaps along the In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) value chain? If so, do you have an idea of how this gap could be filled via a challenge-driven innovation approach? Submit your proposal now!

Questionnaire: What to do in LEO after ISS?

The European Space Agency, ESA invites industry and in particular SME's to fill in a questionnaire to collect the state of the art of the current European space industries in their existing or future business with ESA, more specifically for the activities implemented in Low Earth Orbit (LEO).

ESA is recruiting two new directors

Do you need a new job? The European Space Agency is looking for two new directors. One for Connectivity and Secure Communications and one for ESA’s Internal Services. Both will join ESA’s executive board and support the Director General. Deadline for applications is 7 June 2023

Announcement of Opportunity for observationsmuligheder til CHEOPS

Denne AO er den fjerde for deltagelse i CHEOPS Guest Observers Programme. CHEOPS studerer kendte exoplaneter i umiddelbar nærhed af solsystemet for at forstå planetdannelse- og udvikling. Forslag til observationer af exoplaneter skal indsendes senest 25. maj 2023

Announcement of Opportunity til Science Planners for IRIS

IRIS er en NASA-mission, som undersøger flowet af energi og plasma fra solens photosfære. For niende gang er det nu muligt at ansøge om at være ”Science Planner” for den IRIS missionen. Ansøgninger skal indsendes senest 5. juni 2023

Partnerskabet for Rumrelaterede Uddannelser fortsætter de næste tre år

Partnerskabet, der blandt andet står bag den succesfulde opsendelse af studentersatellitten DISCO den 15. april, har besluttet at fortsætte samarbejdet i perioden 2023-2025. Der skal fremover bl.a. fokuseres på Machine Learning og på samarbejde med gymnasier og erhvervsskoler

Grønt Horizon Europe-projekt skal hente data fra Copernicus satellitterne

Startupvirksomheden CWare er lykkedes med at få midler fra Horizon Europe til projektet 100KTREE. Projektet tager udgangspunkt i Københavns Kommunes ambition om at plante 100.000 træer i byen frem mod 2025. På europæisk plan er målet at få plantet mindst tre milliarder ekstra træer inden 2030.

Midtvejsevaluering af ESA BIC Denmark

Konsulentvirksomheden Iris Group har netop gennemført en midtvejsevaluering af ESA BIC Denmark for DTU. Midtvejsevalueringen belyser de foreløbige resultater frem til udgangen af 2022 og skal ses som en læringsevaluering, der kan danne grundlag for justeringer i den sidste del af projektperioden.

Ultra:bit skal med på Huginn missionen

Ultra:bit er en micro computer, som kan kodes af skolebørn. European Space Agency har netop godkendt, at Ultra:bit for første gang kan kodes i rummet på Andreas Mogensens Huginn mission til ISS. Bag initiativet står DR, ESERO Denmark og Astra.

EU OPEN call: In Orbit Demonstration/Validation - 2023/2026

Get your equipment tested in space. Under the Horizon Europe programme the European Commission is calling for expression of interest for the use of In Orbit Demonstration/Validation - IOD/IOV. There will be multiple cut-off dates all the way until 2026, with the first cut-off date being 31 May 2023

ESERO Danmark fortsætter med at bruge rummet i naturfagsundervisningen

European Space Agency, ESA har netop indgået kontrakt med Naturvidenskabernes Hus om ESERO Danmark for perioden 2023-2025. ESERO Danmark tilbyder lærerkurser og undervisningsmateriale om rummet til danske skoler og fremover også inspirationsmaterialer til dagtilbud og offentligheden

Danske Space Explorers går sammen i partnerskab

30 danske universiteter, virksomheder, teknologiske institutter, medier, Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen og andre rumaktører er blevet enige om at arbejde sammen om at skabe de bedste rammer for udviklingen af et styrket Space Exploration miljø i Danmark i perioden 2023-2025.

EU Space Strategy for Security and Defence

In light of the current geopolitical context, the European Commission and the High Representative presented a Joint Communication on a European Space Strategy for Security and Defence on 10 March. This means that EU has identified space as a strategic domain for the first time.

ESA recruits – and not only astronauts. Apply now!

Now is your chance to get an international space job and a colleague of Andreas Mogensen! In 2023, the European Space Agency, ESA will be recruiting over 200 new colleagues to join teams and support missions of the peaceful exploration and use of space for the benefit of everyone.

Will Circardian Light in Space Help Astronauts Sleep better?

The European Space Agency, ESA and the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science, UFM have given the young architects from SAGA Space Architects the opportunity to test their Circadian Light panels onboard the international Space Station, ISS during Andreas Mogensen’s Huginn mission

Call is open for ESA’s twelfth Earth Explorer

It is time for scientists to pitch their new ideas for the twelfth mission in ESA’s series of Earth observing Earth Explorer research satellite missions addressing environmental and climate challenges. Deadlines: Letter of Intent due by 28 April 2023. Full proposal due by 29 September 2023

The Huginn Collection has landed in the ESA shop

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen is preparing to return to the ISS for the second time with his Huginn mission planned this Summer! Get yourself ready for the launch day and learn all about his mission with this new official collection!

Save the date - The National Space Conference 2023

The Ministry of Higher Education and Science, the Center for Defence, Space & Security (CenSec) and the University of Southern Denmark have joined forces to manage and develop the annual National Space Conference in 2023 which will take place on 9-10 November.

The CASSINI Business Accelerator is open for applications

The CASSINI Business Accelerator is open for applications from EU space-based startups and scaleups. The six-month programme provides participants opportunities to receive a seed voucher of €75,000 upon completion. Deadline for applications 31st march 2023.

ESA Academy offers new space courses for students

ESA's Education Office invites university students to apply for three brand new ESA Academy’s Space Weather Training Course as well as for new editions of the Product Assurance Awareness Training Course and CubeSat Hands-on Training Week. They will take place in May and June 2023 in Belgium.

New ESA Young Graduate Trainee positions are now open!

European Space Agency has opened up a number of the 2023 Young Graduate Trainee positions! Opportunities are available in engineering, science, IT and business services if you are a young graduate with a Master’s degree. Take this unique opportunity to work on exciting space missions

EU Space helps drive the green transformation

The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) has published the EU Space for Green Transformation report, which showcases how applications leveraging EU Space data from Copernicus, Galileo and EGNOS can help companies become more sustainable.

ESA branded merchandise made easy

It has now become easier to use the brand of the European Space Agency, ESA to create merchandise or materials for events. Anyone interested in producing and selling merchandising that shows the ESA logo, the ESA flags patch or ESA’s mission patches, can ask for a license.

New Space Summer Course in Denmark 2023: CubeSat 101

Want to know how to design, build and operate a Cubesat? Then join the first Cubesat summer school in 2023 at Aarhus University. The main objective is to introduce the students to the concept of new space and CubeSat mission thereby allowing them to follow a career with in the space industry.

Det Tværministerielle Rumudvalgs årsrapport gør status på året der gik 2022

Det har været et begivenhedsrigt år på rumområdet, hvor arbejdet med den nationale rumstrategi og den nye geopolitiske virkelighed, som fulgte med den russiske invasion af Ukraine, har påvirket sektoren. Det tværministerielle Rumudvalgs årsrapport 2022 dækker de vigtigste begivenheder.

Stort dansk rumfremstød i USA starter på søndag

I uge fem besøger 30 danske rumvirksomheder, forskere og eksperter Houston i Texas for at mødes med den blomstrende amerikanske rumindustri. Programmet byder også på møder med den danske ESA-astronaut Andreas Mogensen, som til daglig bor og arbejder i Houston.

STEM aktiviteter for de danske forsøg på Huginn missionen

Naturvidenskabernes Hus og Videnskab.dk har i fællesskab vundet et udbud om at udvikle både undervisnings- og kommunikationsmateriale til fem af de danske forsøg, der er udvalgt til at komme med på Andreas Mogensens Huginn mission i august 2023. Det vil ske i tæt samarbejde de projektansvarlige.

Look up students! New space courses available now

Three new courses are now open for applications! Sign up for ESA Academy’s CubeSat Concurrent Engineering Workshop, Ladybird Guide to Spacecraft Communications Training Course or Clean Space Training Course! All taking place in February - March 2023.

European Innovation Council - EIC is looking for green and clean solutions in Space

The 2023 Work Programme 2023 has been published with two dedicated calls pushing for green solutions in Space.: “EIC Accelerator Challenge: Customer-driven, innovative space technologies and services” and “EIC Pathfinder Challenge: In-space solar energy harvesting for innovative space applications”.

Mød IRIS2 - EU’s nye rumprogram

Kommissionen, Europa-Parlamentet og medlemslandene har på rekordtid forhandlet sig frem til et nyt rumprogram. Programmet har fået navn Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite (IRIS2) og skal levere sikre kommunikationstjenester til myndigheder samt EU agenturer.

Public consultation on European research and innovation programmes 2014-2027

The European Commission has launched the largest public consultation ever held on the past, present and future of the EU’s Horizon research and innovation programmes 2014-2027. You as a space stakeholder is strongly encouraged to reply. The consultation will close in February 2023.

Rumområdet lancerer ny hjemmeside

Rumområdet har fået en ny hjemmeside, der skal gøre det lettere for dig som dansk rumaktør at finde netop den information og viden, du leder efter.

WANTED: Research doctor in Antarctica

European Space Agency is looking for medical research doctors to spend one year on the ice conducting research into how humans adapt to living in extreme environments – as a stand-in to spaceflight. This is the place to experience total darkness and –80°C. Deadline for application is 20 January 2023

Danmarks bidrag til ESA’s rumprogrammer i 2023-2025

Den europæiske rumorganisation, ESA, har netop afsluttet ministerkonferencen CM22. Medlemslandene gav samlede tilsagn til et budget på i alt 126 milliarder kroner til nye aktiviteter de næste tre til fem år.

Apply now for the ESA Student Internship Programme

The 2023 internship opportunities at ESA have been published! Opportunities are open until 30 November and positions are available in engineering, science, IT, natural/social sciences, business and administration services. This is your chance to kick-off your experience in space!

Førstepræmien i Nordic Launch gik til danske RiverWorks

Det blev den danske space startup RiverWorks, der løb med dette års 1. præmie i pitch-konkurrencen til den nordiske finale i Nordic Launch programmet. Riverworks udfører kortlægning af havbunden ved hjælp af droner og GNSS med henblik på håndtering af oversvømmelser.

DTU has turned SWARM signals turned into sound – scary listening!

You can listen to the sound yourself this week in Copenhagen! The sound of the rumble of Earth’s magnetic field is broadcasted on 24–30 October three times a day at around 08:00, 13:00 and 19:00 from loudspeakers at Solbjerg Square in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Bring Your Business Into Space

Through a permanent Call for Commercial Partnerships (CFP), ESA invites new and experienced private partners to submit a Commercial Partnership proposal for industry-led activities in the context of space exploration and ESA’s European Exploration Envelope Programme (E3P).

The MyEUspace competition is back with EUR 1 million in prizes!

The MyEUspace competition provides support to entrepreneurs developing innovative commercial applications that leverage data coming from the EU Space Programme. To this end, they’ve put nearly EUR 1 million in prize money on the table!

Bidrag til udviklingen af EU-funded Space R&I

Det er nu muligt at bidrage med input og feedback til udviklingen af EU-funded rumrelateret research & innovation, herunder forberedelse af Horizon Europe aktiviteter, gennem STARS*EU. Læs mere og registrer her.

Announcement of Opportunity for a Community Scientist in the PLATO Mission

The purpose of this Announcement of Opportunity is to solicit proposals for a Community Scientist in the PLATO mission. The main responsibility of the Community Scientists is to advise ESA on the means to optimise the use of PLATO data by the general scientific community.

ESA Academy has launched a new programme: PETRI

Practical Education in Technology, Research, and Innovation (PETRI) starts online. But it is a programme geared towards assisting university student teams along all the steps of developing their project from concept to operations and data analysis – in a first round within microgravity environments

Danmarks rumbaserede grønne forskning er i verdensklasse

Ny bibliometrisk analyse af Danmarks rumbaserede grønne forskning viser, at dansk rumbaseret grøn forskning på en række indikatorer for forskningens gennemslagskraft og offentligt-privat samarbejde er blandt de førende på verdensplan

Den nationale rumkonference bliver landsdækkende

Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet vil de næste tre år holde sin årlige nationale rumkonference i samarbejde med SDU, Aarhus Universitet og Aalborg Universitet. Første konference bliver afholdt på SDU i 2023 og vil få fokus på tværfaglighed i rumforskning og vækstlag i dansk rumrelateret industri

New OEDC report: Earth’s Orbits at Risk

Accumulating space debris puts the sustainability of space activities at risk. Orbital debris has increased remarkably in the last 15 years and the socio-economic impacts of a major space debris accident could be dramatic due to cascading effects.

Space Exploration Danmark version 2.0 undervejs

Space Exploration Danmark Partnerskabet slutter formelt med årets udgang, men partnerskabet blev på et møde i sidste uge enig om at fortsætte successen. Partnerskabet vil nu lægge en plan for en kommende periode og forslag til nye temaer kan indsendes inden 1. december 2022.

Fly A Rocket! - Call for applications now open!

ESA Academy, in partnership with Andøya Space Education and the Norwegian Space Agency, are proud to announce that eligible students may now apply for a new cycle of the Fly A Rocket! programme. Fly a Rocket! programme is aimed at individual applicants, rather than team applications.

Getting ready for a return to the Moon

The Artemis I mission with the Orion capsule is set to launch on 29 August 2022 with a test flight that prepares humankind for our next adventure at the Moon. Europe is playing a crucial role providing the European Service Module for the Orion capsule.

Invitation to Tender to procure an IOD/IOV Carrier

Can you produce a Cubesat carrier able to accommodate experiments and new technology provided by academia, research organisations, SMEs and larger industrial companies? The ITT is available in ESA Star with a deadline on 14. September 2022

New Nordic for high-tech space entrepreneurs

This week ESA BIC’s in the Nordic countries has kicked off NORDIC LAUNCH for a new generation of high-tech space entrepreneurs. The 65 participants will get access to important industry partners, investors, and experts in business development and help to create commercial value on Earth

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